About a year ago, I met an amazing little girl full of life, spirit, and absolute sweetness. Since then, she has become a big sister and an amazing one at that! We lucked out with a nice mild afternoon to capture their cuteness for the holidays.
I’ve known this little girl for quite some time and when we set off to take her pictures I knew it would be easy to capture that her amazing personality. The first five images are simply her…fun, silly, loving, and free! And the rest…well, what else can I say..she’s just gorgeous!
I had so much fun with this wonderful family. We went on a little nature hike on this beautiful fall day…fresh air, warm sun, lots of big smiles, and Baby V even got a little nap on Daddy’s shoulder.
I have spent the past 2 weeks on vacation with my kiddos and out of all the pictures I took, this was the most shocking sequence! My daughter was lying on the beach following suit with her older brother and his friends. They were having the best time lying down having the waves crashing on...
It was almost a year ago when I first met this adorable little girl and her amazing parents. She was just over 5lbs then and now she will be turning 1 in September! We had a ton of fun with bubbles, a noisy cricket, and a funny duck : ) Enjoy your sneak peek...